The NFTN is mandated to establish a network that provides support to the foundry industry through four focus areas:
Building technical capacity;
Regulatory (compliance and licencing) support;
Skills development and knowledge transfer; and
Stakeholder relations and awareness raising.
By providing services and support in these areas, the NFTN helps to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the local foundry industry. Services on offer to the sector include:
CAPACITY BUILDING: reduction of scrap, energy efficiency, improve man-hours per ton, quality improvement and increased productivity initiatives.
HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT: skills training to employees, in-house training, artisan training and placement of interns.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE: assistance with environmental requirements in terms of foundry spent sand and air emissions; assistance on improving housekeeping and energy efficiency support.
EXPANSION OF FOUNDRY INDUSTRY: this is to assist the foundry industry to attract inward investment and yield a reasonable return on investments as well as responding to identified local and international markets.
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION: assisting foundries to upgrade and modernise through relevant science, technology and innovative solutions.
COOPERATION FOR INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS: facilitating cooperation between public and private stakeholders to address system level issues in order to improve the overall performance of the foundry industry.
The NFTN Team
The NFTN offers support through a small, but skilled and dedicated team of metallurgy and sector experts. Click to email one of our technical experts: